Tips & Tricks

How to Keep Track of Your Favorite Things With myPlanit – Did I Mention Wine?

How often to you find yourself at a restaurant, enjoying a good meal that’s made better with the wine you are drinking? Or, out with friends for a happy hour and try a new wine that is absolutely wonderful.  

How do you remember those wines? Or, better yet, it’s a year later and you want to remember the wine because you want to buy it as a gift for one of your friends, how do you find it? 

It’s easy with myPlanit. Not only will myPlanit record the picture you take of the bottle, but it will place it in context – assigning a time, location and place. So, when you want to remember that bottle of wine, all you need to do is remember the time OR the place OR the general location and use the Recall view to search for it. Easy.As.Pie! 

Here’s how it works:

Simply take a picture of the wine, and it will automatically show up in your Journey view as a moment. You can edit the moment to add any relevant tags (like Wine!) to help you organize and find things quickly in the future.  

To edit, first select the moment you want to edit then touch the three “…”  

Next, touch the “Edit” button

Touch the yellow tag button to add a tag or other information, then type in the tag you want to create and touch the create tag ‘wine ’to create the tag and add it to your moment.

You’ll see your tag added to your moment. When you are done editing simply touch the “√” button when finished to save. When you see the summary screen of your moment, touch the “Done” button to go back to your Journey Screen.

To search for all your moments by a certain tag, like ‘Wine’, touch the “Recall” button to move to Recall view, select the “tags” button and search on the tag(s) you want to find.

When you touch the wine tag box, you will see all your moments that contain that tag.

Just think of all the tags you can create to stay better organized – from tracking expenses to help with budgeting, to monitoring all your doctor’s appointments to recalling key milestones – myPlanit is there to make it easier to keep track of all the things that are important to YOU.


